is an online torrent leeching website. Day by day number of people downloading files from torrent is getting bigger. Though there is Utorrent application to download torrent files, the speed won't be constant while downloading torrent from Utorrent. To maintain a stable downloading speed torrent leeching websites are made available. is one of those torrent leeching site, User needs to signup for a new account to start downloading from it. Once creating the account the user can download torrent files by adding torrent file/ magnet link of torrent file. The creates a download link once the file gets uploaded, the user can use the link to download any torrent file in any browser. The service and support is excellent, if there is any problem with the site if we mail them they will reply use very quickly. gives you a storage of 1.5GB on signup via referral link. One can refer and earn upto 4.5GB of space to download large files. I...